Arduino Flowing Light Arduino Flowing Light DemonstrationHardware equipmentarduino uno,led10,220 ohm resistor10,several DuPont wires Circuit connection: The circuit connection is shown in the figure: Code display:12345678 2023-10-26 Arduino
The Introduction of Final Project Interaction Process1.Design Concept: In the time before ocean pollution, the ocean world was vibrant and colorful. However, as people’s attention towards the ocean gradually decreased and with the cur 2023-10-23 Final Project
CADDesign Overview of WorksSimulation of Tangential Motion in Disc-type Cam StructuresMotion EffectComponent Engineering Drawing Pendulum motion simulationMotion EffectTimeline Process Motion Simulation of Four 2023-10-16 CAD
WebPageBuild 1.Install Node.jsDouble-click the installation package to install. 2.Create GitHub PageCreate a new repository, the repository name should match the username. Format: The “name” needs 2023-10-16 WebPage
Hello World Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick 2023-10-16