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1.Class Practice (AUTODESK FUSION & SHAPR 3D)
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Course → loT
Analysis of a certain case of LOT—— John Deere's Precision Agriculture Solution
2.Implementation plan
3.Advantage analysis
4.Challenges and solutions
Ⅰ.Sensors and devices
Ⅱ.Data collection and transmission
Ⅲ.Data collection and transmission
Ⅳ.Automation Control and Implementation
Soil moisture sensor:
【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.gg8caFiT2Es7zSq?tk=ZkMkWA5igkI CZ0000
【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.gTQoFqO5SEWXOn8?tk=eAaiWA5jx8P HU0854
【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.gT91Qk6ylCC97yP?tk=BO92WA5Dsub CZ3460 「Vantage Pro2无线气象站6152校园农业自动天气预报气象站DAVIS」
Detailed introduction:https://www.mouser.cn/new/sensirion/sensirion-sht3xa-automotive-sensors/
Detailed introduction:https://www.qudao.com.cn/article/636.html
John Deere is a global leader in agricultural machinery and technology solutions. Through its precision agriculture solutions, John Deere helps farmers increase crop yields, optimize resource utilization, and reduce operating costs.
Temperature and humidity sensors:
Meteorological station:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs):
Automated irrigation system:
LoRaWAN and NB IoT networks:
John Deere Operations Center:
Through John Deere's precision agriculture solution, farmers can achieve digitalization and intelligence of agricultural production, significantly improve production efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and reduce operating costs. Despite facing certain challenges, these challenges can be effectively addressed through technological progress and management optimization. Intelligent agriculture not only improves the economic benefits of farmers, but also promotes the sustainable development of agriculture.
Automated agricultural machinery:
Improve production efficiency:
Optimize resource utilization:
Reduce operating costs:
Real time decision support:
Improving crop quality:
Initial investment high:
Technology dependency:
Data security:
Network coverage issue:
Machine learning algorithms:
Light sensor: