Interface application programming
The circle of processing is controlled according to the size of the Arduino motor.
Analog circuit connection:
Effect display:
* Keyboard Functions
* by Martin Gomez
* Click on the window to give it focus and press the letter keys to type colors.
* The keyboard function keyPressed() is called whenever
* a key is pressed. keyReleased() is another keyboard
* function that is called when a key is released.
* Original 'Color Typewriter' concept by John Maeda.

int maxHeight = 40;
int minHeight = 20;
int letterHeight = maxHeight; // Height of the letters
int letterWidth = 20; // Width of the letter

int x = -letterWidth; // X position of the letters
int y = 0; // Y position of the letters

boolean newletter;

int numChars = 26; // There are 26 characters in the alphabet
color[] colors = new color[numChars];

void setup() {
size(640, 360);
colorMode(HSB, numChars);
// Set a hue value for each key
for(int i = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
colors[i] = color(i, numChars, numChars);

void draw() {
if(newletter == true) {
// Draw the "letter"
int y_pos;
if (letterHeight == maxHeight) {
y_pos = y;
rect( x, y_pos, letterWidth, letterHeight );
} else {
y_pos = y + minHeight;
rect( x, y_pos, letterWidth, letterHeight );
rect( x, y_pos-minHeight, letterWidth, letterHeight );
newletter = false;

void keyPressed()
// If the key is between 'A'(65) to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z'(122)
if((key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') || (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z')) {
int keyIndex;
if(key <= 'Z') {
keyIndex = key-'A';
letterHeight = maxHeight;
} else {
keyIndex = key-'a';
letterHeight = minHeight;
} else {
letterHeight = 10;

newletter = true;

// Update the "letter" position
x = ( x + letterWidth );

// Wrap horizontally
if (x > width - letterWidth) {
x = 0;
y+= maxHeight;

// Wrap vertically
if( y > height - letterHeight) {
y = 0; // reset y to 0
1.The basic knowledge about processing:
Here is the official website:
1-1 Introduction to the work area in processing
a. Menu bar: located at the top of the window, it contains commonly used function buttons, such as documents, sketches, etc
b. Code area: This is the main area of coding where users can write and edit Processing code. 
c. Output area: located below or next to the editing area, it is used to display the output information of the program, such 
as the result of printed statements, error information and debugging information.
d. Mode selection: Processing provides two modes: Java mode and JavaScript mode. Java pattern is used for traditional desktop 
application development, while JavaScript pattern is used for Web development. Users can switch modes in the toolbar or menu.
e.Start&Stop: Start/Stop running the program
a. New File: Clicking will create a new window with a new, empty editing area where you can start writing new code.
b. Sample programs: Usually contains a number of preset sample programs that demonstrate various programming concepts and 
techniques. Users can select these sample programs to learn and understand how Processing works.
c. Preferences: Preferences allow users to configure various parameters of the Processing IDE according to their preferences 
and needs.
Preference Settings:You can change the editor's fonts, languages, color themes, code indent Settings, and more.
2.New tool similar with processing:
3.Processing use keyboard to interactive:
3.Processing use keyboard to interactive:
Touch Designer
Here is the official website:
TouchDesigner is a visual development platform designed for creating interactive multimedia content. Developed by Derivative, it is widely used in the fields of interactive art, live performances, and immersive installations. TouchDesigner enables artists, designers, and developers to create real-time visuals by connecting nodes in a graphical interface, allowing for complex interactions and multimedia experiences without the need for extensive coding.
d.mode selection
b.Code area
c.Output area
a.New File
4.Processing with Arduino:
Processing code
Arduino code
int potPin=A0;
int potValue=0;

void setup() {


void loop() {
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int sensorValue;

void setup(){


String portName=Serial.list()[3];
myPort=new Serial(this,portName,9600);

void serialEvent(Serial myPort){;
Effect Display:
Click on the window to give it focus and press the letter keys to type colors. The keyboard function keyPressed() is called whenever a key is pressed. keyReleased() is another keyboard function that is called when a key is released. Original 'Color Typewriter' concept by John Maeda.