If you don’t have a brain, you don’t feel pain.

Team Member

  • Pan Jiangyu
  • Dong Yan
  • Zhou Yang
  • Jin Duola
  • Hou Liang

Pan Jiangyu

I’m that no-brain-man.

I am a student with dual major background and graduated from Donghua University. I studied industrial design and digital media arts in my undergraduate program, so that I’m both rational and emotional. Normally I like to play games and listen to music. I wish for world peace.

Team Position: Webmaster, Team Organizer, Project Manager (Project Management)


Dong Yan

Losing all hope was freedom.

22 years old limbs sound, independent breathing since childhood, can eat three meals a day, rain know to run to the house, will not pick up things on the ground to eat, will play smart phones, the future can be expected.

Team Position: Project Manager (Not yet)


Zhou Yang

A light heart lives long.

I’m Lily, a graduate student specializing in Industrial Design. My academic journey has been deeply influenced by the belief that design is not just about aesthetics but about finding a harmonious balance between form and function. Drawing inspiration from Dieter Rams’ ten principles of “Good Design”, I strive for simplicity, longevity, and honesty in all my projects. I am passionate about sustainable design, aiming to create products that not only serve their purpose but also leave a minimal impact on the environment. My design approach is rooted in user-centricity, ensuring that every design addresses the genuine needs and desires of its users.

Team Position: Project Manager (Fusion 360)


Jin Duola

Love loves to love love.

My name is Duola Jin, and I am a graduate student from the School of Software at Zhejiang University. My graduate major is Industrial Design Engineering. My hometown is Changzhou, Jiangsu, which is a very beautiful city. I don’t want to go to school at all, I just want to have a vacation. I like to eat, my favorite food is fried chicken, and my favorite software is PPT.

Team Position: Project Manager (Not yet)


Hou Liang

Show your horns and edge in the shade, stay foolish, stay hungry!

My name is Hou Liang and my English name is Sezero. I am studying Industrial design Engineering at Zhejiang University in China. I like to miss the past, but have been pushed into the future. I like natural science and astrophysics, and I hope to find my life value in the future

Team Position: Project Manager (Arduino-1)