
Hi, Friends.

Project Management

Our team website has been launched! and How we built it.

Hello World!

We built this website to demonstrate our works on Design Engineering course. Learn more about Design Engineering and other team’s works, please visit this site.

How we built it

This website is deployed on Github and powered by Hexo. Hexo is an easy-to-use frame for posting your blog. There are a lot of instructions about how to deploy a static blog site using github and hexo. Just google it!

After you’ve successfully deployed, you can choose a theme you like on https://hexo.io/themes/. And we finally decided to pick Minima for this site. It’s just so good-looking!

You can visit our github stars page to find a good-looking theme where we select some themes thought it’s good. Also, there are a lot of blog frames you can choose, like JekyII.

Build steps

  1. Install Node.js and Git

  2. Sign up for a github account

  3. Create a repository named yourID.github.io, i.e. zjudesign.github.io

  4. Visit yourID.github.io to see if it works

  5. Create a file to store your website data on your local device(we are using Windows here)

  6. Into this file->right click->Git Bash Here


  7. Input npm i hexo-cli -g and waiting for hexo installing finished


  8. After successfully installed hexo , text hexo init yourblogname to initialize your hexo file and after initializing, hexo have created a file named your blog name.


  9. text hexo g and hexo s to see if hexo working in terminal.



  10. Input git config --global user.name "yourID" and git config --global user.email "youremail@email.com" in Git Bash

  11. ssh -keygen -t -C "youremail@email.com"

  12. Open github.com->settings->SSH and GPG keys->Hew SSH->input a name you like

  13. On your local device, text cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in Git Bash

  14. Copy the output and paste it in your github SSH input box

  15. ssh -T git@github.com in Git Bash to check if the output shows your github ID

  16. open _config.yml in your local file, edit the followings

      type: git
      repository: https://github.com/yourID/yourID.github.io
      branch: master
  17. Finally, hexo deply to deploy it to your github

For more detailed information, check the links below.



— Sep 22, 2022


    Made with ❤ and Hexo.js at ZJU.